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Our crew shares what it's like to work and live on board,
we report news from Switzerland and the ships
and share interesting facts about our humanitarian work and our partners in Africa.
  • Good to know
    Interview with Valentin, Vice-President AmSpec, member of Mercy Ships Network
    From the first time Valentin Rossel heard of Mercy Ships to his active role in the Mercy Ships Network, links have been forged between professional networking and humanitarian commitment.
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  • News from Switzerland
    A new chapter
    Mercy Ships and MSC Foundation The MSC Foundation, the MSC Group and Mercy Ships join forces to build a new hospital ship The new purpose-built hospital ship will expand the
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  • Good to know
    Dr. Austin Demby: transforming Sierra Leone’s Healthcare
    Dr. Austin Demby, Minister of Health and Sanitation for the Government of Sierra Leone: "A vision for safe and affordable surgery."
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  • News from Switzerland
    Mercy Ships honors Françoise André
    All members of Mercy Ships are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of our dear board member Françoise André.
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  • Good to know
    Mercy Ships Celebrates Lasting Impact in 2023
    In 2023, Mercy Ships conducted 3'295 surgical interventions, of which 1'437 took place aboard the Global Mercy in two countries.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    The Africa Mercy is back in Madagascar
    Mercy Ships is back in Madagascar to bring transformative surgical education and free, life-changing surgeries. 
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  • News from Switzerland
    Réhane Favereau illustrates 45 years of Mercy Ships​ with Swiss cut-out
    Réhane Favereau, a Swiss artist specializing in the art of Swiss cut-outs, has created a unique work recounting the 45 years of Mercy Ships.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    Emmanuel, first patient in Sierra Leone
    Emmanuel walked up the gangway of the Global Mercy, filled with cautious hope. The 43-year-old was our first surgical patient in Sierra Leone.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    Sierra Leone: Igniting Hope, Multiplying Impact
    Humanitarian field service in Sierra Leone The next chapter for Mercy Ships and the hospital ship, the Global Mercy! Over the course of the field service in Sierra Leone, Mercy
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  • Uncategory
    Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal
    One Port Visited, Two Nations Served Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal Mercy Ships has been operating in Senegal for several months with the Global Mercy™, is getting
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    August 2023: Visit the Global Mercy in Tenerife
    Visit the world’s largest civilian hospital ship Come aboard the Global Mercy in Tenerife in August 2023 Visit the world’s largest civilian hospital ship in Tenerife! On August 4th and
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  • News from Switzerland
    45 Years of Mercy Ships
    Looking Back and Dreaming of the Future 45 years ago, Don and Deyon Stephens had a dream of converting a ship into a floating hospital to bring safe, free surgical
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  • Uncategory
    Dr. Charlotte Polle-Kaliti
    Dr. Polle-Kaliti is the sole female fistula surgeon in Kenya — one of only 11 in total.
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    Mercy Ships on Swiss TV
    ALPHAVISION – Fenster zum Sonntag on SRF Swiss TV SRF program “Spitalschiff – operieren auf See” highlights the new hospital ship of Mercy Ships. An exciting weekend lies behind us
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  • Good to know
    Global Mercy: first humanitarian surgery field service
    The newest Mercy Ship, the Global Mercy™ arrived in Dakar Senegal on 14 February 2023.
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  • Good to know
    Claude Ziehli, fundraiser at Mercy Ships
    Claude Ziehli is a Mercy Ships fundraiser. He tells us about his encounter with our association, its mission and the birth of the Mercy Ships Network.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    One port, two nations.
    For the first time, a Mercy Ship will serve two African nations from one port. Will you join us in making double the impact?
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  • Good to know
    2022, a year of promises fulfilled
    Thanks to you, Mercy Ships and its local partners have performed over 2,000 surgeries and trained over 1,100 health professionals.
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  • Good to know
    « Invest in projects that make sense »– Abel Demiéville
    Abel Demiéville is the founder and director of AB Box SA, a self-storage company that exists since 2005. He is a committee member of an association that has been running humanitarian projects in northern India for over 20 years. He’s also one of the first members of the Mercy Ships Network, our association’s group of impact entrepreneurs.
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  • Good to know
    Interview with Didier Reymond, SABC Founding Member
    Following his retirement from his position as CEO of Webb Fontaine and having seen during many years the tremendous impact of Mercy Ships in several African countries, Didier Reymond served as dining staff on the Africa Mercy.
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  • Good to know
    Be an impact entrepreneur, to change the world
    Being an impact entrepreneur is about making the world a better place and increasing the visibility and awareness of your company. Join us!
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    Global Mercy virtual experience
    Join the many "virtual participants" who took part in the virtual experience on their tablet or computer.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    The Africa Mercy is back in Dakar
    The Africa Mercy has returned as promised to Senegal. We will continue the surgical operations and training that were interrupted by the pandemic.
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  • News from Switzerland
    MSC Group and Mercy Ships Celebrate 10 Years of Partnership
    End-to-end support by MSC, from container shipping to logistics, fundraising and maritime expertise, have maximised hospital ships’ life-changing impact for thousands of people.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    Next field service: Senegal
    In early 2022, the Mercy Ships hospital ship, the Africa Mercy, will return to Dakar for a humanitarian field service in Senegal.
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  • Capacity Building
    Surgical care in Africa: historic events in Dakar
    Medical experts and health ministers from 29 African countries together to improve surgical care in Africa.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    The Global Mercy on its way to Europe
    After a short visit in Malta, the Global Mercy will dock in the port of Antwerp on September 12, where the hospital will be fully equipped.​
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  • Good to know
    Together we are Mercy Ships!
    April 7 is World Health Day — a day set aside by the World Health Organization (WHO) to focus on the impact quality medical care has on the world around us.
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  • News from Switzerland
    Swiss dentists train students in Guinea
    E-learning with a Swiss partner, the Ardentis dental clinics, for students in the Gamal dental school in Conakry, Guinea.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    Interrupting our field service
    The Coronavirus pandemic has impacted Mercy Ships in several areas. It especially affected our mission in Senegal; our hospital ship had to leave Dakar, three months earlier than planned.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    Successful Mission in Senegal
    Before our hospital ship had to abruptly leave the port of Dakar, the mission in Senegal was very successful: a large number of patients were delivered from their suffering.
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  • Capacity Building
    Interview of Keith Brinkman
    Keith Brinkman is Country Director for Mercy Ships, assigned to Liberia, since November 2020. He works and lives in Monrovia.
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  • News from Switzerland
    Charity partner of Double You Team
    Mercy Ships Switzerland is honored to have been chosen as the heart partner of Double You Team.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    Global Mercy: successful sea trials
    Construction of the world's largest civilian hospital ship is complete and sea trials completed. The final interior fitting out of the ship will continue in Belgium.
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  • Good to know
    Volunteering in the midst of a pandemic
    2020 has been a challenging year! This is also true for Mercy Ships. How dhas the pandemic impacted recruiting activities?
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  • Good to know
    Africa Day 2021
    For more than 30 years, Mercy Ships has been invited by African countries to come and strengthen their health systems thanks to our hospital ships. On this Africa Day, we thank these nations for their hospitality, collaboration and friendship.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    A Q&A with the man leading the Global Mercy™ to completion
    Jim Paterson ran the marine operations department of Mercy Ships for nearly 20 years, before dedicating himself full-time as a project manager for the Global Mercy.
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  • all blogposts
    Interview with Thomas Rudin
    Thomas Rudin has been managing the Bethesda hospital in Basel for over 10 years and became a member of the board of Mercy Ships Switzerland in June 2020.
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  • News from Switzerland
    Interview of Christine Sager
    Christine Sager was elected to the Board of Mercy Ships Switzerland in June 2020. As an American and Swiss citizen, experienced diplomat’s wife and dedicated philanthropist, she enriches the Board with an international dimension and a great deal of cultural sensitivity.
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  • Good to know
    Interview with Dr. M’Pele
    We asked Dr M'Pele what impact Covid-19 is currently having on the African continent as well as the role of the Africa office within Mercy Ships.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    Field service in Senegal is currently suspended due to COVID-19 pandemic
    Due to the current situation related to COVID-19, WHO recommendations and the resulting increase in travel restrictions, Mercy Ships had to suspend its humanitarian mission in Senegal.
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  • Good to know
    Craftsmen wanted for June & July
    Each year, June and July are dedicated to the maintenance of the Africa Mercy, the largest civilian hospital ship in the world.
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  • Good to know
    René Lehmann answers questions about COVID-19 and Mercy Ships
    Interview with René Lehmann, director of Mercy Ships Switzerland, on the impact of the pandemic for the organisation.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    A 100’000 thanks to you all!
    This is a milestone for the humanitarian organization created in Lausanne in 1978: the 100,000th free surgery1 on board one of the Mercy Ships hospital ships
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  • Good to know
    March 8 – International Women’s Day
    March 8 - Today we celebrate women, and more specifically women's rights. At Mercy Ships, we consider one of them essential. It is the right to dignity.
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  • Capacity Building
    Protective equipment for eleven African countries
    Mercy Ships has started sending personal protective equipment (PPE) to 11 countries in Africa with which it has partnerships.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    Africa Mercy in dry dock
    During our technical stop in the Canary Islands, the Africa Mercy was taken out of the water to check the general condition of her hull and receive a new coat of anti-rust paint.
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  • News from the Africa Mercy
    First field service in Cameroon
    The Africa Mercy arrived mid-August 2017 in Cameroon and dropped anchor in the port city of Douala.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    The Global Mercy plans field service in Sierra Leone
    The Government of Sierra Leone renews its partnership with Mercy Ships to strengthen surgical care in the country.
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  • Good to know
    Great experience working as a volunteer in the cleaning team
    “It’s nice to work all around the ship, so it’s not only in one office or in the galley or wherever,” Ben said.
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  • News from the Global Mercy
    Africa Celebration
    The Global Mercy has been inaugurated in Dakar. New hope for those in Africa who don't have access to surgical care.
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