Summer maintenance

The Africa Mercy in dry dock

Africa Mercy in dry dock

Each year the Africa Mercy goes into a shipyard for much needed maintenance. Thanks to skilled volunteers who come and help specifically in this important phase, we are able to make the repairs needed to continue transforming lives and nations, year after year.

This year again, our technical crew works incredibly hard to get the ship ready to sail to Cameroon. An additional 40 crew members, some with their families, joined the Africa Mercy during shipyard in Las Palmas, Grand Canaria. These hardworking men and women worked on various projects onboard to help get the entire ship fit for the next field service in Cameroon.

Shawn, one of our photographers, loves this time of the year on the hospital ship. “Shipyard itself is an interesting place; the constant busyness and noises and machinery are a spectacle to watch. At night, there is this quiet stillness. The lights illuminate the calm waters and tired ships resting from the days of welding, patching, and scratching. Times like these are a beautiful reminder to me that no matter how busy you may find yourself – it’s important to rest.”

Ann is a chaplain for the patients on the Africa Mercy. She can’t wait to travel to Cameroon. “I’m looking forward to being at the next point in the journey – and the sail is the next big piece. We can all enjoy and appreciate these days of being together as we get ready to serve in Cameroon!”

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Picture of René Progin
René Progin
René is Communication and Media Manager for Mercy Ships Switzerland.

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