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Latest blog posts

  • Interview with Valentin, Vice-President AmSpec, member of Mercy Ships Network
    From the first time Valentin Rossel heard of Mercy Ships to his active role in the Mercy Ships Network, links have been forged between professional networking and humanitarian commitment.
    Interview with Valentin, Vice-President AmSpec, member of Mercy Ships Network
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  • A new chapter
    Mercy Ships and MSC Foundation The MSC Foundation, the MSC Group and Mercy Ships join forces to build a new hospital ship The new purpose-built hospital ship will expand the
    A new chapter
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  • Dr. Austin Demby: transforming Sierra Leone’s Healthcare
    Dr. Austin Demby, Minister of Health and Sanitation for the Government of Sierra Leone: "A vision for safe and affordable surgery."
    Dr. Austin Demby: transforming Sierra Leone’s Healthcare
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  • Mercy Ships honors Françoise André
    All members of Mercy Ships are deeply saddened by the news of the passing of our dear board member Françoise André.
    Mercy Ships honors Françoise André
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  • Mercy Ships Celebrates Lasting Impact in 2023
    In 2023, Mercy Ships conducted 3'295 surgical interventions, of which 1'437 took place aboard the Global Mercy in two countries.
    Mercy Ships Celebrates Lasting Impact in 2023
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  • The Africa Mercy is back in Madagascar
    Mercy Ships is back in Madagascar to bring transformative surgical education and free, life-changing surgeries. 
    The Africa Mercy is back in Madagascar
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  • Réhane Favereau illustrates 45 years of Mercy Ships​ with Swiss cut-out
    Réhane Favereau, a Swiss artist specializing in the art of Swiss cut-outs, has created a unique work recounting the 45 years of Mercy Ships.
    Réhane Favereau illustrates 45 years of Mercy Ships​ with Swiss cut-out
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  • Emmanuel, first patient in Sierra Leone
    Emmanuel walked up the gangway of the Global Mercy, filled with cautious hope. The 43-year-old was our first surgical patient in Sierra Leone.
    Emmanuel, first patient in Sierra Leone
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  • Sierra Leone: Igniting Hope, Multiplying Impact
    Humanitarian field service in Sierra Leone The next chapter for Mercy Ships and the hospital ship, the Global Mercy! Over the course of the field service in Sierra Leone, Mercy
    Sierra Leone: Igniting Hope, Multiplying Impact
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  • Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal
    One Port Visited, Two Nations Served Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal Mercy Ships has been operating in Senegal for several months with the Global Mercy™, is getting
    Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal
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