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    Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal
    One Port Visited, Two Nations Served Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal Mercy Ships has been operating in Senegal for several months with the Global Mercy™, is getting
    Mercy Ships Ends an Impactful Season in Senegal
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    Dr. Charlotte Polle-Kaliti
    Dr. Polle-Kaliti is the sole female fistula surgeon in Kenya — one of only 11 in total.
    Dr. Charlotte Polle-Kaliti
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    Mercy Ships on Swiss TV
    ALPHAVISION – Fenster zum Sonntag on SRF Swiss TV SRF program “Spitalschiff – operieren auf See” highlights the new hospital ship of Mercy Ships. An exciting weekend lies behind us
    Mercy Ships on Swiss TV
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