Cotonou, Benin

The Africa Mercy departed from Cotonou, in Benin, on June 3rd, 2017, after a ten-month stay in the port city.
While docked in Benin, the volunteer crew onboard completed 1’957 surgeries, transforming the lives of 1’793 patients and their families.
As well as delivering direct medical interventions on the ground in Benin, Mercy Ships worked hard to equip local medical staff with the knowledge and facilities needed to continue Mercy Ships work after the ship left Cotonou. The Mercy Ships capacity building team trained and mentored 1’962 local health professionals in a variety of specialities.
The following trainings and courses have been offered to Senegalese health professionals:
• Essential pain management
• Essential surgical skills
• Primary Trauma Care
• Pediatric and obstetric anesthesia
• Neonatal resuscitation
• WHO Safe surgical checklist
• Anesthesia training
Mentoring has also been offered for the following professions:
• Surgeons in multiple specialities
• OR nurses
• Maxilofacial OR teams
• Anesthesia providers
• Clubfoot care with Ponseti method
Sustainable renovations
Two facilities – at the Centre de Sante de Zogbo and the Centre de Sante de Missessin – were renovated, to function as the Mercy Ships dental clinic and HOPE Centre. After the field service, these renovated facilities were returned to the local health suppliers.
Action en Afrique
This is the breakdown for Benin:
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On top of this, 6’942 patients were treated by the Mercy Ships dental experts, who delivered a total of 16’489 procedures.
Some moving stories from our surgical patients

Story of Fudia
The 10-year-old can now walk by herself without struggling and is set to resume school, with hopes for the future set high: “I want to be a doctor, so that I can help other people,” she shared.

Story of Lucy
In 2021, Lucy suddenly experienced unbearable tooth pain. Although the tooth eventually fell out, the pain persisted. Her face became swollen, and it was discovered to be a tumor. Unfortunately, the cost of medical treatment was beyond the family’s financial means.

Story of Mamadou
Shortly before his first birthday, Mamadou’s mother realized that he was having difficulty grasping objects and that he regularly stumbled. Mamadou suffers from cataracts.