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50% de la population mondiale vit à moins de 150 km d’une côte. Un navire-hôpital est donc le meilleur moyen d’accéder à la population et de la soigner.

There are only two physicians per 10,000 people in sub-Saharan Africa, many people suffer and die from treatable conditions.

It takes a wide range of people and skills to run a hospital ship, and our all-volunteer crew makes it happen. If you want to make a meaningful difference in the lives of others – including yours – we’d love to meet you.

You always said “One day…” Make that day today.

If you’ve always wanted to use your unique talent and skills to transform lives and make your mark on the world, we’ve got an opportunity for you. The work of Mercy Ships impacts the lives of many – patients, families, and volunteers. It’s a transformative experience that enables personal and professional growth, and we’re looking for you to join us.

Come aboard and find your crew.

40+ Years of Hope and Healing

Since 1978, Mercy Ships has been bringing hope and healing to people without access to medical care. Our hospital ships are filled with volunteer doctors, nurses, mariners, IT staff, and more.

Together we provide free surgeries and care to thousands of patients each year, like Aminata who was born with a cleft lip that made eating and speaking difficult. Thanks to our volunteers, today she smiles brightly and lives a life full of promise. She’s like one of so many children whose lives you will transform onboard.

Through the faithful support of so many, over 2.8 million lives have been impacted. Our volunteers are the heart of our mission, and everyone has a place onboard.

Ready to find yours?

Ready to Start Your Journey of a Lifetime?

Here are a few things to know:

  • Though the community onboard is a vibrant, global one, English proficiency is required for all positions in Mercy Ships.
  • When you’re ready, one of our recruiters is ready to hear from you.
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pictogramme bénévole

Africa Mercy

5 operating theatres
82 hospital beds
450 volunteers

Global Mercy
6 operating theatres
199 hospital beds
641 volunteers

The experience of a lifetime awaits you

Et si chacune de tes journées contribuait à sauver des vies ?